
Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Q1 2019 - Summary Report

BATI Team • 1 April 2019

Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Q1 2019 - Summary Report

During the first quarter of 2019, stakeholder consultations were held over the course of several weeks. The aim of these discussions was to assess wheter the Beyond Animal Testing Index could have added value in the transition to animal free innovation.

This document gives a summary of the usefull and interesting feedback the Index received during the consultations as well as the conclusions the Index has drawn from this feedback.


During the first quarter of 2019, stakeholder consultations were held over the course of several weeks. The aim of these discussions was to assess wheter the Beyond Animal Testing Index could have added value in the transition to animal free innovation.

The Beyond Animal Testing Index carefully selected stakeholders associated with the Transition to Animal Free Innovation, which include ZonMW, NWO, NFU, VSNU, SGF and Proefdiervrij.

As opposed to what is stated in the Background Document, stakeholder consultations were only held in an individual setting and not in multi-stakeholder setting.

The first round of stakeholder consultations has been productive and valuable. The following choises have been made with the feedback of the stakeholders in mind:

1. The Index will only focus on awarding organisations for their accomplishments as opposed to penalizing for failures.

2. For its first version, the Index will try to not be too complex, making sure the criteria used can be found in existing documents.

3. In addition to the aforementioned criteria, the Index will include narratives, which will not be used in the raking, but are merely examples of positive organisation efforts and performance.

Furthermore, the Index will make changes to the description of its vision, mission and goals, focussing more on praising (animal free) innovation and less on denouncing animal testing. On this subject, the goal ‘animal welfare’ will be changed in ‘quality’ to include more aspects in addition to animal welfare.

Additionally, the Index will start with a pilot study within the Leiden University Medical Center (after Indicators for all Technical Area’s have been formulated) to assess its feasibility. 

30 May 2022
BATI rapport - Haalbaarheidsstudie
by BATI Team 14 March 2021
BATI Pilot - LUMC Flyer This document is a flyer from the LUMC that explains the BATI Pilot. Abstract De Beyond Animal Testing Index (BATI) maakt inzichtelijk wat instellingen doen op het gebied van proefdiervrije innovatie en de 3Vs. Deze index kan ingezet worden om de transitie naar proefdiervrije innovatie in Nederland te stimuleren en monitoren. De BATI beoogd een benchmark te zijn die inspanningen van instellingen op gebied van proefdiervrije innovatie en de 3Vs in objectief en transparant in beeld te brengen. In analogie met de Access to Medicine index zal er gekeken worden naar een vijftal thema’s: Beleid, Onderzoek, Onderwijs, Financiering en Intellectueel eigendom. Na uitgebreide consultatie met stakeholders (o.a. VSNU, NFU, SGF, ZonMw, Proefdiervrij) en de index foundation is een beta-versie ontwikkeld. In 2020 is vanuit LUMC, Hogeschool Utrecht en TNO de pilot fase gestart waarin op twee hoofdlijnen gekeken zal worden gekeken naar 1) de praktische toepasbaarheid van de index en 2) hoe de governance van de BATI eruit kan zien. Het huidige project uitgevoerd in opdracht van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit.
by BATI Team 1 December 2020
B.A.T.I. Pilot - Background document (Dutch) This background document is meant as a background document for the pilot-study for the Beyond Animal Testing Index (BATI) a an initial introduction to the BATI principles. It includes the basic principles of the Index, as well as its vision, mission and goals. Additionally, this document contains a more detaile description of the five Technical Areas and corresponding Themes.
by BATI Team 1 May 2019
2019 FELASA Presentation - Background Document This document was meant as a background report for the Beyond Animal Testing Index presentation at the 2019 Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA) congress. It outlines both the need for and the basic concept of the Beyond Animal Testing Index, including its vision, mission and goals. Additionally, a draft version is presented, listing Index-related topics subdivided into 5 Technical Areas. Each Area has its own Themes. Abstract The Beyond Animal Testing Index is a project currently conducted by Cyrille Krul, Jan-Bas Prins, Debby Weijers, Annick de Moor and Koen Stegmeijer. It is a benchmark aimed at evaluating the policy, transparancy and actions of public research organisations regarding innovation in biomedical research resulting in improved scientific and biomedical research and maximal reduction of animal testing. Animal testing is a topic high on the political agenda. The Netherlands strives to become frontrunner in the international ‘Transition to Animal Free Innovations’. Public research organisations, including universities and research institutes for applied scientific science, are in a position to considerably influence and contribute to this transition. During the first quarter of 2019, stakeholder consultations were held over the course of several weeks. The aim of these discussions was to assess wheter the Beyond Animal Testing Index could have added value in the transition to animal free innovation and to find relevant topics to include in the Index. The Framework is constructed along five Technical Areas, which are (A) General Management and Stakeholder Engagement, (B) Research and Development, (C) Capacity Building, (D) Investments and Grants, and (E) Intellectual Property Management. Each Technical Area is assessed along three Strategic Pillars, namely (I) Commitments, (II) Transparency and (III) Performance. Organisation efforts in each Technical Area are measured through Indicators, each related in turn to one of the four Strategic Pillars. The Index is a relative ranking, where organisations are compared with each other rather than against an absolute, ideal state. At this moment, relevant Indicators are still under review and are therefore not included in this document. In the current phase of the Beyond Animal Testing Index, we will be presenting the Index at the 2019 FELASA congress in Prague. We hope to gain international support for our initiative. We are always looking for ways to improve our Index in any way possible. We therefore invite you to provide us with feedback and new insights.
by BATI Team 1 January 2019
Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Q1 2019 - Background Document This background document was meant as a starting point for the multi-stakeholder consultations in the first quarter of 2019. It outlines both the need for and the basic concept of the Beyond Animal Testing Index, including its vision, mission and goals. Additionally, a draft proposal was presented, listing Index-related topics subdivided into 5 Technical Areas. Each Area has its own Themes. Abstract Animal testing is a topic high on the political agenda. The Netherlands strives to become frontrunner in the international ‘Transition to Animal Free Innovations’. Public research organisations, including universities and research institutes for applied scientific science are in a position to considerably influence and contribute to this transition.. The Beyond Animal Testing Index aims to provide a transparent, objective and independent benchmark that brings the efforts and accomplishments of these organisations to light, offering organisations and their stakeholders more insight in the opportunities they have and the progression they make towards research beyond animal testing. Such an Index needs to be independent, transparent and utilised by a large number of stakeholders. To accompish this we will consult stakeholders both individually as well as in multi-stakeholder consultations over the course of the following months (Q1 2019). This will ensure that all stakeholder needs and wishes are accounted for within the index. At the moment, the proposed Beyond Animal Testing Index consists of five Technical Areas, being (1) General Managment and Stakeholder Engagement, (2) Research and Development, (3) Intellectual Property Management, (4) Capacity Building and (5) Investments and Grants. Each of these Area’s will be assessed through four Strategic Pillars, being (I) Commitments, (II) Transparency, (III) Performance and (IV) Innovation. This entire document is a proposal and therefore up to discussion. It does not intent to be restrictive in any way and should be regarded as an approach to spark conversation.
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